3DgraphixTech Resources.


Probably the most important book you will read in the next year is going to be "Animation on the Web" by Sean Wagstaff. It is a rather affordable book, but don't let the price fool you; this is a great chance to get familiar with the terminology and methods of computer animation.

Another good conceptual resource is the book "Getting Started in 3D" by Ashford and Odam. Also, "3D Graphics and Animation" by Mark Giambruno. Is a valuable resource for the discussion of 3D specific terms in the early chapters.

Magazines etc.:

Despite (or perhaps because of) having a fairly small library, our librarian maintains a great selection of 3D resources. In addition to a lot of text books (a lot of good text books), the library also offers a number of magazines. Note that magazines are easily stolen, so are not left out for browsing; just ask for them at the desk. 3D Magazines we get in include: 3D Design Magazine, Newtekniques, and Keyframe Magazine.

Web Resources:

If you are holding a piece of paper in your hand, you should go get this file online, so that you can click on these links, instead of typing them in:

Start Here: http://tonyg.3dup.net/tutorials/Newto3d.htm

Instructors' web sites:

Tony Gilchrist: http://tonyg2k.50megs.com/

Kevin Gallant: http://www.howtotrainwireless.com/

Other instructors' sites coming soon…

Software web sites:

Lightwave 3D: http://www.lightwave6.com

3DS MAX: http://www.discreet.com/

Aura: http://www.newtek.com/frameset_master.html.

Photoshop: http://www.adobe.com/

Paint Shop Pro: http://www.jasc.com/

Other Resources:

An Online Book: http://www.cadvision.com/balinte/nsae_book.html

General 3D Reference: http://www.webreference.com/3d/

Really big list of Lightwave Tutorials: http://members.home.com/lightwavetutorials/Main_Menu.htm

General 3D Reference: http://animation.about.com/arts/animation/library/weekly/blglossaryindex.htm

3D for technophobes: http://www.animfound.com/tips/Taking_the_comp/takecomp.html

3DSMAX & Lightwave Tutorials etc. http://www.3dspline.com/index.html

Everything 3D: http://www.cgchannel.com

Everything 3D: http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/default.asp

The Lightwave User's #1 Page; http://www.flay.com/

Everything 3D: http://3dgate.com/

Misc. Tutorials: http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutorials/3d/

Rally Big Tutorial List: http://visionaryvideo.com/

A Small Site of Excellent Quality: http://www.anticz.com/animatio.htm

3DS Max Tutorials: http://www.maxforums.org/tutorial.asp

All things 3DS MAX: http://the3dstudio.com/

Great Glossary http://www.webreference.com/3d/glossary/

Everything 3D: http://www.3dark.com/

Various, including MAX tutorials: http://www.3dluvr.com/content/

Awesome bug 3D book-list: http://www.artof3d.com/readings.htm

 Newsgroups: (Never Heard of UseNet? See the tutorial at: http://tonyg.3dup.net/tutorials/news/Use_News.htm)


